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What are the Types of Espresso Drinks? Come check it out here!

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What are the Types of Espresso Drinks? Come check it out here!

For those of you who are coffee lovers, you must be familiar with the term Espresso. But, did you know that ground coffee brewed using a coffee press machine has many types of variants? If you are still confused about what types of Espresso drinks are? This article is the answer to your question. So let’s watch it until the end, so you can become the most Espresso person according to https://hobstoughton.com/.


To make Lungo, the barista will extract one shot of Espresso using more water and a longer time compared to Espresso. Typically, Espresso extraction time is 25-30 seconds, while Lungo extraction time is around 60-90 seconds with a larger volume of water. Lungo has a lighter coffee taste compared to Espresso, with a slight bitter taste due to longer extraction.

Flat White

Making Flat White begins by extracting two shots of Espresso, which are then mixed with steamed milk which has a smooth and creamy texture. The basic proportions of Flat White are 1:3 or 1:4 between Espresso and milk. The technique of serving steamed milk for Flat White plays an important role in creating the perfect taste and texture of the drink. The milk should be heated to the right temperature, then whisked in a circular motion to achieve a smooth, creamy texture without creating too much foam.


In making a Cortado, the barista will extract a shot of Espresso and mix it with warmed milk in a balanced ratio, usually around 1:1 or 1:2 between Espresso and milk. The milk used in Cortado is not stirred or shaken like in Cappuccino or Latte, so Cortado has a clear layer of Espresso on the surface.


To make Red Eye, the barista will extract a shot of Espresso and then add it to a cup of previously brewed black coffee. The proportions of Espresso and black coffee are adjusted to individual tastes. Red Eye has a strong taste and high caffeine content, some people like to drink it without any additions.


Just like Red Eye, Black Eye is a very strong coffee drink and high in caffeine, which is perfect for those looking to increase energy levels and focus. To make Black Eye, the barista will extract two shots of Espresso and then add them to a cup of previously brewed black coffee. The proportions between Espresso and black coffee are also adjusted to individual tastes.

Dripped Eye

To make Dripped Eye, the barista will extract a shot or two of Espresso and then pour it into a cup of brewing drip coffee. Manual brewing methods such as pour-over coffee can produce coffee with a richer and more complex taste, so Dripped Eye is often considered a smoother and classier coffee drink than Black Eye and Red Eye.


To make Lazy Eye, the barista will extract two shots of Espresso and pour it into a cup of pre-brewed drip coffee. These coffee drinks are usually served in larger cups and are high in caffeine, making them suitable for those looking to increase their energy levels and focus.

Black Tie

Black Tie is a coffee drink consisting of Espresso, evaporated milk, brown sugar syrup or palm sugar syrup, and a little spice such as cloves or cinnamon. To make Black Tie, the barista will extract a shot or two of Espresso and mix it with evaporated milk, brown sugar syrup, spices, and blend everything in a shaker or blender with ice. The result is a rich, sweet and spicy coffee drink with a unique spice flavor.


Affogato is a dessert drink consisting of ice cream washed down with hot espresso. To make an Affogato, the barista will prepare a shot or two of hot Espresso and pour it over a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream placed in a glass. Because ice cream contains sugar, this drink has a sweet taste that balances the bitter taste of Espresso.

Espresso Con Panna

This drink is Espresso coffee with added whipped cream on top. To make Espresso Con Panna, the barista will extract one or two shots of Espresso then add whipped cream on top. Whipped cream can be made by beating heavy cream with sugar until thick and foamy. The combination of the strong Espresso flavor with the soft and sweet whipped cream produces a very delicious and rich drink. The taste is lighter than coffee drinks that use milk as a mixture.

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